2018 Baltimore Power Trip Recap

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

2018 Baltimore Power Trip Recap

By: Stella Bayiokos

This year the 2018 Ultimate DECA Power Trip was held in Baltimore, Maryland. Your officers along with a few NJ DECA chapters represented NJ DECA at this wonderful conference. This conference offered learning labs taught by state and chapter advisors all over the country. A lot of great information was taught which we want to share with you now!

Chapter Competition Success System by Kim Edwards

Kim Edwards, Myers Park High School advisor, spoke about her chapter’s success in her high school. One problem she addressed was attendance at chapter meetings. Chapter meetings can be difficult. Not all DECA members are motivated enough to attend meetings making it hard for announcement/information to be shared within the chapter. One solution Ms. Edwards created was the DECA Dollars Incentive Program. The purpose of DECA dollars is to encourage your chapter members to be active participants. DECA dollars can be earned through participation and can be redeemed on daily grades and tests as well as additional prizes. Below are example activities listed that will earn you DECA Dollars.


  • Pay DECA Membership Dues on Time          ($20)
  • Attend a DECA function/meeting                  ($20)
  • Raise $100 for the state Community Service Project, Mission Victorious    ($30)
  • Have a parent volunteer during an event        ($25)
  • Attend ICDC   ($100)
  • Perfect Attendance for entire year                  ($50)

The second part of having a DECA dollar incentive program is to offer prizes or rewards that you are able to redeem. DECA dollars could be redeemed for points on a quiz, test, or homework assignment. They can also be redeemed on prizes such as gift cards, candy, or a DECA t-shirt. An example list of prizes is written below.

  • 1 point on a quiz grade           ($5 per point)
  • 1 point on a daily grade          ($10 per point)
  • 1 point on a test grade             (15 per point)
  • Excuse lowest quiz grade       ($50 points)
  • Excuse lowest daily grade      ($100 points)
  • Excuse lowest test grade         ($250)
  • $10 Starbucks gift card           ($50)
  • DECA T-shirt ($100)

This incentive program can be altered to fit the needs of your chapter. However, this system can be very effective if used properly. I hope DECA Dollars works in your chapters! Good Luck!