Introducing Member & Advisor of the Month

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

Introducing Member & Advisor of the Month

By: Nicholas Brophy, Central Region Vice President

Member of the Month

Once again, students may be nominated to be elected as a New Jersey DECA Member of the Month. These students are motivated, dedicated, and remain #NJDECABOLD leaders throughout their school and state communities. They are hardworking members who stand out for their perseverance and contributions to their DECA chapters. Both members and advisors alike are encouraged to use the form on the New Jersey DECA website in order to nominate these outstanding students.

Advisor of the Month

New to this year is the Advisor of the Month. Not only are our members #NJDECABOLD, but so are the advisors, who spend countless hours leading their students to success. Their dedication and guidance, as well as their contributions to New Jersey DECA, deserve to be recognized. There is a form on the New Jersey DECA website that can be used by members or advisors to nominate advisors that are major influences on both their chapter and the entire state.

The forms are open continuously, and the nominations will be evaluated at the end of each month by the State Action Team, in order to select one Member and one Advisor of the Month.        These individuals will be recognized on social media, and will be given a certificate for their hard work and commitment to staying #NJDECABOLD. The State Action Team looks forward to acknowledging these individuals, and is excited for a year of competition, development, and accomplishments.