Why YOU Should Apply for State Office!

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

Why YOU Should Apply for State Office

By: Olivia Lang

Holding a position for New Jersey DECA is a big deal. If you think you have the leadership skills and creative ideas to help NJ DECA you should apply. While being a state officer does require DECA to be your #1 commitment, you also get all the perks that come along with it.

I applied for state office because DECA gave me so many opportunities and helped me to decide what I wanted to do in college. I also wanted to do it because someone from my school had been a state officer and she loved it. I told her I was interested and she said that I would be perfect for the job. DECA has introduced me to so many people and I wanted others to get that same experience. I wanted to be a voice for the members and I wanted to help make decisions. I love being a state officer, my team is like my family and YOU would feel the same way.

More Reasons on Why You Should Become a State Officer:

  • You are able to make a difference for New Jersey DECA
  • You help to make decisions for the members
  • You help pick the charity for the year
  • You attend ICDC the year you’re elected, and the year you serve your term in office
  • You have the opportunity to meet a lot of members and other state officers
  • You speak on stage at the state conference
  • You attend the Ultimate Power Trip

If you are interested in applying for State Office next school year (we’re talking to you Freshman and Sophomores!), please go to www.njdeca.org and take a look at the State Officer Candidate Page.  For more information, you can also speak to any state officer!