DECA Inc.’s scholarship program provides over $300,000 in scholarships to high school and college DECA members at the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) each year. Many corporate partners of DECA provide scholarships through the DECA scholarship program. DECA Inc. administers the program based on guidelines set by the donor. DECA scholarships are strictly merit based. DECA also offers the Harry Applegate Scholarship Program that corporate supporters contribute to, but the scholarship is actually in the company’s name. Scholarships are awarded based on DECA/Collegiate DECA involvement, leadership ability, community service and academic performance. Additionally, many college, university and organization partners offer scholarships to DECA members. These scholarships are available directly through the college, university or organization. For more information on DECA’s Scholarship Programs, please visit the Scholarship Page at
New Jersey DECA also offers a number of scholarships. The Loris Lorenzi Scholarship Program offers a $1,500 yearly scholarship, the Val Durkac Scholarship offers a $1,000 scholarship and the NJ DECA State Scholarship offers a $500 scholarship to deserving members. We also offer a number of Regional Scholarships from the individual regions of New Jersey DECA. Information on the State Scholarships can be found in the current NJ DECA Handbook, and the regional scholarship information will be posted in the Winter.
2020-2021 New Jersey DECA Scholarship Applications:
New Jersey DECA State Scholarship Application
Northern Region Scholarship Application
Central Region Scholarship Application
Southern Region Scholarship Application