By Olivia Lang
Congratulations to our soon to be Team 58 for making it through the interview process! We are so proud that you guys have made it this far and that you have put in all the work. We would like to give you guys some helpful hints for this years state conference.
- Always Be Yourself, the delegates are going to want to get to know you so don’t be afraid to show them who you are!
- Stay Positive, it’s going to be a VERY long few days so make sure you are always being encouraging to the members and smiling.
- Make your booth represent you in some way, members will be coming to your booth all day so make sure that you make them love it as much as you do.
- Be memorable, stick out from your competitors, in your speech and at your booth give the delegates something to remember you by.
- Eat food and stay hydrated, your running day is going to be very exhilarating and tiring, so please please please don’t forget to eat (bring snacks) and drink water, trust us you are going to need it!
- Stay ahead of the game, if no one is at your booth you could be losing votes, so stay ahead of the game and make sure you have people to stand at your booth when you have to compete.
Good luck to all of our candidates, we can’t wait to see who will be taking the leadership in Team 58!
-Team 57