A Message to our Officer Candidates

By Olivia Lang

Congratulations to our soon to be Team 58 for making it through the interview process! We are so proud that you guys have made it this far and that you have put in all the work. We would like to give you guys some helpful hints for this years state conference.

  • Always Be Yourself, the delegates are going to want to get to know you so don’t be afraid to show them who you are!
  • Stay Positive, it’s going to be a VERY long few days so make sure you are always being encouraging to the members and smiling.
  • Make your booth represent you in some way, members will be coming to your booth all day so make sure that you make them love it as much as you do.
  • Be memorable, stick out from your competitors, in your speech and at your booth give the delegates something to remember you by.
  • Eat food and stay hydrated, your running day is going to be very exhilarating and tiring, so please please please don’t forget to eat (bring snacks) and drink water, trust us you are going to need it!
  • Stay ahead of the game, if no one is at your booth you could be losing votes, so stay ahead of the game and make sure you have people to stand at your booth when you have to compete.

Good luck to all of our candidates, we can’t wait to see who will be taking the leadership in Team 58!

-Team 57

How to Ace Your Role Play

By Alex Ruhl

Before the Competition:

  1. Study for the test using previous tests and common terms for your category
  2. Create or find a list of defined performance indicators for your category
  3. Practice preparing and presenting previous role plays to a parent or friend to obtain feedback
  4. Review the list of defined performance indicators before entering the prep room

During the Competition:

  1. After reading the prompt, rewrite all the performance indicators on a few sheets of paper
  2. Devise a solution to the prompt
  3. Write notes of what to say about each performance indicator and how each indicator related to the solution
  4. Draw graph or images to provide a visual element to your presentation

Presenting to the judge:

  1. Shake hands with the judge and ask to take a seat
  2. Incorporate the performance indicators with the solution to create a seamless presentation
  3. Shake the judge’s hand and thank them for their time

States Survival Guide

By Dana Schoolsky

Whether this is your first year at SCDC or you’re a seasoned veteran, packing can be a struggle. Fear not, for this compiled list includes everything that you will need to survive our 2019 State Conference at Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City.

*Keep in mind that the items on this list are optional but many of them will benefit you!*

The Basics

  • Business professional attire (see DECA Inc.’s dress code for explicit details regarding what is appropriate)
    • Boys: Dress socks, dress shoes, more than one dress shirt, ties, BELTS
    • Girls: Knee-length skirts, comfy dress shoes
  • Casual, lounge clothes for after/in-between competitions and ceremonies
    • Maybe some throwback conference T-shirts! And girls: BRING FLATS/SLIPPERS to walk around the conference center in… heels get painful!
    • Socks, sweatshirts/sweatpants
  • Sneakers/gym clothes- there’s a gym if you have any free time!
  • Pajamas
  • Toiletries
    • Toothbrush, toothpaste, DEODORANT, perfume/cologne, makeup, hair ties, hairbrush, flat or curling iron, hair gel, shampoo/conditioner, razors


  • Snacks. Definitely bring snacks. (Yes, chips are delicious, but healthy/portable snacks like apples and granola bars can help you power up before competing)
  • Wallet
    • Bring cash!
  • Pencils/pens for competition
  • Homework
  • Watch
  • Reusable water bottle- save the environment!
  • Phone charger/ PORTABLE charger (great for competition day especially because you will be spending a lot of time in the conference center and although there are charging stations and various outlets, you may want to be moving around not stuck in one place charging!)
  • Laptop and laptop charger
  • Headphones/earbuds (or AirPods if you’re boujee)
  • Cards- could get boring in the room at night!

Also, don’t forget your confidence at home! Be BOLD and have a great conference 🙂

State Conference Social Media Correspondents

By Nicholas Brophy

For the 2019 State Career Development Conference, NJ DECA is implementing a new, interactive opportunity for members to engage with their peers across the state. The Social Media Correspondent position will be available for members that are #NJDECABOLD in their promotions, media presence, and personal brand. Members can apply to become Social Media Correspondents using the link below. The chosen students will:


  • Have access to all NJ DECA social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat
  • Document the State Conference
  • Interact with other members to devise creative pictures, videos, boomerangs, polls, or any other posts you can conceive
  • Be present on-stage at SCDC to talk about the Social Media campaign
  • Write one article about the Conference to be posted on DECA Dimensions
  • Be featured on the NJ DECA Instagram

Please take advantage of this opportunity to gain insight into the valuable tool of social media, network with your peers, and prove that you are #BOLD. We implore our creative, artistic, and driven members to apply for this incredible position, and hope to see you all on stage at the State Conference.


The Do’s and Don’t-s of the State Career Development Conference

By Nicholas Brophy

  • Do prepare for competition. Of course, SCDC is a fun and exciting experience. But more than that, it is a chance to showcase the skills you have developed and the work you have devoted to your competition. Study, go over your presentations, meditate — whatever may help you get on stage to earn that DECA glass.
  • Don’t hide away in your room. The State Conference is an opportunity to meet and network with people from across New Jersey. These peers can help give advice on competition, provide new opinions or ideas, or simply serve as new friends during your time in Atlantic City.
  • Do wear proper clothing. Dress code should be followed at all times, especially when competing. When participating in Downtown DECA, we encourage all members to wear casual clothes — including jeans — as long as they are appropriate. We also implore all members to wear their NJ State Conference shirt, which displays that they are #NJDECABOLD.
  • Don’t get discouraged if things don’t go your way. Sometimes competition doesn’t always go as you expect it. However, you should take these small deterrents and use them to improve and excel in future competitions. As long as you try your best, you should keep your head up!
  • Do follow the rules. For much of States, you will be on your own or with your friends. Without direct supervision at all times, it may seem easy to do things you shouldn’t do. Try to avoid making a bad mistake that will get you into trouble — or worse, sent home.
  • Don’t forget any essentials. Packing for SCDC can be overwhelming; you are trying to figure out which clothes still fit, which shoes you should bring, and which blazer looks most stylish. While doing so, you may forget about more basic necessities, like toothpaste, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, snacks, etc. A more comprehensive list of essential materials can be found in the article “States Survival Guide,” written by State President Dana Schoolsky.