How to Ace Your Role Play

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

By Alex Ruhl

Before the Competition:

  1. Study for the test using previous tests and common terms for your category
  2. Create or find a list of defined performance indicators for your category
  3. Practice preparing and presenting previous role plays to a parent or friend to obtain feedback
  4. Review the list of defined performance indicators before entering the prep room

During the Competition:

  1. After reading the prompt, rewrite all the performance indicators on a few sheets of paper
  2. Devise a solution to the prompt
  3. Write notes of what to say about each performance indicator and how each indicator related to the solution
  4. Draw graph or images to provide a visual element to your presentation

Presenting to the judge:

  1. Shake hands with the judge and ask to take a seat
  2. Incorporate the performance indicators with the solution to create a seamless presentation
  3. Shake the judge’s hand and thank them for their time