How to Approach Your Chapter Campaigns

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

How to Approach Your Chapter Campaigns

By: Alexander Ruhl, Northern Region Vice President

Chapter campaigns are a great way to get your chapter involved in a variety of activities ranging from increasing chapter size to community service. The completion of campaigns will result in chapters gaining various academy allocations at ICDC. A summary of the chapter campaigns is provided at

One of the most common chapter campaigns is the community service campaign. In order to complete the community service campaign, a chapter needs to have at least one community service activity where at least 75% of the chapter participates. This event has to use at least one form of promotion in order to fulfill all the requirements for the campaign. One way of getting 75% of a chapter to participate in the community service activity is to establish a system of hours requirement. This system is used at the Ridgewood High School (RHS) chapter and requires every chapter member to have a certain number of hours to compete at each level of competition. For example, two hours are required for any member to compete at districts, four hours for SCDC and six hours for ICDC. Hours are gained by members volunteering at RHS DECA sponsored events such as the community service activity.

Another popular chapter campaign is the membership campaign. In order to reach achievement level for this campaign one out of the three tasks are required. The three tasks are 20 more members than the previous year, 20 alumni members or 20 professional members. If two of the three tasks are completed, Thrive level is achieved and the chapter gains three allocations for the thrive academy at ICDC. An extra incentive for chapters to complete the membership task is that a chapter will receive one DECA blazer for the chapter for every 10 new members are added over their previous year’s membership.