How to Choose a Competitive Event

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

How to Choose a Competitive Event

by Dustin Rosenfeld, Recording Secretary

Competing at DECA conferences is a great way to build fundamental skills in problem-solving, communication, and presentation, and can provide useful experience with real-life applications. Finding a competitive event that fits you best is an important first step to succeeding at Districts, SCDC, and ICDC. Settling on just one competitive event may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

Consider your own skillset. Do you perform better in a team or riding solo? Do you love the challenge of thinking on the fly, or do you relish the comfort of a prepared presentation? What business topics peak your curiosity? These are all questions to ask yourself when choosing a competitive event, and the following guide can help make the decision much easier.

Go With What You Know

Are you in a marketing class? Do you read fashion magazines? Have you worked at a restaurant? Your past (or present) experience can make all the difference during competition. I have always competed in the Accounting Applications category, and I was inspired to pick that competitive event because, at the time of registration, I was enrolled in an accounting class. The same strategy can be used by the avid Vogue reader or the Starbucks barista. The information learned outside of DECA transfers naturally to the roleplay. So, when in doubt, go with what you know.

Too Many Cooks…

As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth. In other words, pick an event with the number of partners that suits you best. If you work best maintaining control of the conversation and savor a silent prep time, solo events are your best bet. If bouncing ideas off another person create the best presentation, Team Decision Making events are for you. If you want to work in a larger group, taking your time in producing the best work, consider entering a prepared written paper event. In the end, it all comes down to choosing the environment that best fosters success.

Consider All Your Options

The standard roleplay scenario isn’t for everyone. Luckily, DECA offers a plethora of options that extend beyond the confines of the typical competitive events. Do you trade penny stocks? Consider playing the Stock Market Game.  The gamers of DECA may have a knack for the Virtual Business Challenges. Those with an eye for detail might wish to enter a Professional Selling competition. Before you choose an event, consider all your options. Whatever skills you bring to the table, DECA has a way for you to express them.

Ultimately, the choice of a competitive event is yours. You won’t go wrong, but strategizing your selection will help make everything go right.