NJ DECA Announces 2017-2018 Theme

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

They are Epic.  They are Limitless.  They are BOLD.

New Jersey DECA members are BOLD leaders.  They are community oriented, raising thousands of dollars a year for charity.  They are academically prepared, excelling at their classes.  They are professionally responsible, ensuring that they are developing career ready skills.

Are you ready to be BOLD members, by growing DECA in your school?

Are you ready to be BOLD leaders, by setting an example in your community?

Are you ready to be BOLD competitors, by prospering in your event?

NJ DECA Builds Opportunities to Lead and Develop. We are Leaders.  We are #ReadyForIt.  WE ARE #NJDECABOLD.

Click here to download the logo or creative brief.

Categories: Chapter News