President’s Welcome

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

President’s Welcome

By: Dana Schoolsky, President

Hi New Jersey DECA members! I’m Dana Schoolsky and I will be representing you this year as your State President.

I cannot begin to express the excitement that I have for the year we have ahead. We will be making new traditions and breaking old ones. One thing that my team and I aspire to work towards is connecting with our members on a personal level and reaching out so that we can gain your feedback to make NJ DECA the best it can possibly be. Your thoughts and ideas are important to us so never hesitate to reach out to me or to anyone on the officer team!

Additionally, we know that this year our numbers can and will continue to grow! Our team is looking forward to expanding our social media presence so that we can inform current members of everything that is happening, but we need your help as members and advisors to spread the passion and love for DECA that we all share so that we can fuel even more involvement and take even more students to ICDC in Orlando.

Your officers and I promise that we will stop at nothing to make your 2018-2019 year incredible. We’re all #ReadyForIt and we hope that you will join us in being #NJDECABOLD!