State Officers
Simrin Anand
Hi everyone! My name is from Ramapo High School and I am so excited to serve as this year’s State President. I joined DECA during my Freshman year of high school, and I haven’t looked back since. Over the course of my DECA journey, I have been given the business knowledge necessary to start my own business, the confidence to speak in public, and friendships that will last a lifetime. DECA has given me the tools to become the leader that I have always wanted to become. Last year, I served as the State Recording Secretary. This year as President, I hope to expand on the impact made by team 63. As President, I am excited to show members how they can apply the tools DECA gives us to any endeavor. DECA is truly a life-changing opportunity; it is my goal to make sure that each and every one of you are able to make the most out of the amazing opportunities DECA offers. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you throughout the year alongside team 64. I can’t wait for an outstanding year of learning, networking, and of course, traveling! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me through my email ( or instagram (deca.simrin).
Annie Ferrans
Vice President of Public Relations
Hey Everyone! My name is Annie Ferrans and I am so excited to serve as your Vice President of Public Relations! I am from Livingston High School. I joined DECA as a freshman in high school, and now, as a junior, I could not be more grateful I did so. I have met so many great people already through DECA, and I cannot wait to meet even more. My favorite DECA conference was definitely ICDC this year because of the amazing people I met. As a state officer, I hope to inspire even more people to participate and join DECA!
I am looking forward to helping you all and making so many memories this year with Team 64. Feel free to reach out to me ( or on my instagram (deca_annie).
Chloe Lin
Recording Secretary
Hey New Jersey DECA! My name is Chloe Lin, and I am beyond excited to serve as your Recording Secretary on Team 64! I am a senior from Cherry Hill High School East, and I cannot wait to get to know all of the NJ DECA chapters and members this year. I began my DECA journey as a freshman not knowing what to expect. But, looking back, I can definitely say that joining DECA has been one of the highlights of my high school journey. DECA has helped me in countless ways, from using what I’ve learned in competition to land internships to connecting with like-minded students across the world, I have truly gained so much from my DECA experience. This year, my NJ DECA team and I hope to reach even more students than ever, increasing membership and creating a memorable experience for all! I l cannot wait to see you all at COLT, Districts, SCDC, and even ICDC in Orlando!! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me ( or (@decachloe_) on Instagram!
Alexa Polanco
Vice President of Media
Hi everyone! My name is Alexa Polanco and I am excited to serve as your Vice President of Media. I am a senior at Verona High School. DECA has truly inspired me in countless ways. The experiences I had were amazing and I made long lasting memories with new friends. DECA has helped me grow as a person and network more with people. It has also helped me break out of my comfort zone and be able to enhance my public speaking skills. I can’t wait to meet you all at COLT, Districts, SCDC, and ICDC. All of Team 64 is excited to have a great time with all of our NJ DECA members, and hope to increase our membership. I’m so lucky and grateful to be serving on this year’s state action team and I’m thrilled for what this year will bring! Feel free to reach out to me ( or (deca_alexa) on Instagram.
Jonah Kutikov
Southern Region Vice President
Hi everyone my name is Jonah Kutikov and I am a junior at Eastern Regional High School. I am excited to be your Southern Region Vice President for this year. As a freshman, I joined DECA not thinking much of it, but after competing at SCDC and ICDC I realized that I wanted to pursue something more within DECA. These past two years in DECA have helped me grow as a person and meet new people who share similar interests and goals as myself. Joining DECA has been one of the best choices and experiences of my highschool career, so far. I can’t wait to make more memories. Feel free to reach out to me @deca.jonah on instagram or
Jay Patel
Central Region Vice President
Hey everyone! My name is Jay Patel and I am thrilled to be serving as your Central Region Vice President once again. I attend Monroe Township High School in Monroe, NJ. Joining this organization in freshman year has been one of the best decisions of my life. From meeting new people, competing in events, to collecting ribbons at SCDC officer has been a blast. From being a shy chapter member in freshman year, and then becoming an officer has allowed me to network and lead with others who have similar interests, and expand my knowledge and skills. DECA has given me many opportunities and I hope this organization does the same for you. I am very excited to see what this year holds for us and I am very excited to work with Team 64 to help make this organization better by increasing membership and engagement through the various actions we hold this year. I can’t wait to meet everyone at COLT, districts, SCDC, and ICDC! Feel free to reach out to me at or text me on instagram (@deca.jaypatel) with any comments or concerns!
Tristan Casella
Northern Region Vice President
Hey everyone! My name is Tristan Casella, and it’s such an honor to be your 2024-2025 Northern Region Vice President. I am a senior at Indian Hills High School, and this is my third year in DECA. What began as an extracurricular activity that a friend and I decided to join has become an organization vital to shaping me as a person and student. The ability to network and develop professional relationships through DECA has helped me in so many different ways. I hope that the invaluable relationships and skills that DECA enhances can reach as many people as possible within New Jersey! I am really looking forward to working with Team 64 and hope that what we have in store resonates with all of New Jersey DECA. Together, we can make NJ DECA the best it can be. I look forward to COLT and SCDC with you all! If anybody has any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram: @tcas07 and @decatristan or email:!