Why are Performance Indicators Important?

Published by Jeffrey Victor on

Why are Performance Indicators Important?

By: Hailey Imbasciani

What are Performance Indicators?

Performance Indicators are ways for judges to evaluate a person’s level of knowledge on the topic at hand.

Every event has a list of about 6 performance indicators on both the evaluation sheet and the front page of the event; after you are done with your role play the judge will grade you on how well you met each indicator.

(Insider tip: Majority of your role play score is made up of whether or not you met the performance indicators)

You can use performance indicators too!

Indicators found on your competitive event can assist you in studying for the written test and preparation for your role play. Each event has dominant instructional areas that most performance indicators are taken from; it is a good idea to study the instructional area for your event.

Not all performance indicators are the same!

Team decision making events have differing indicators compared to individual series events.


Individual Series:

-5 performance indicators

-About 2-3 will stem from the dominant instructional area


Team Decision Making:

-7 performance indicators

-About 4-5 will stem from the dominant instructional area


So, now that you know what performance indicators are and why they are so important be sure to review the indicators that correspond with your event before competing.

Best of luck at Districts!